house at walking distance from Sasso Ville
House within walking distance of the village of Sasso Ville, which is part of the municipality of Serra San Quirico. It has a nice view and is easily accessible from a town road . with a land area of 4000m2. Internally it is divided as follows ; On the ground floor ; garage, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms (officially one large room). First floor: bathroom, kitchen, living room and two bedrooms, and a balcony. There is currently a covered terrace but this is not official, and an above ground swimming pool.
municipal water is available, the house has no gas connection and no heating.
municipal water is available, the house has no gas connection and no heating.
Price: 265.000,00 Euro
- Property ID: 2234
- Price: 265.000,00 Euro
- category: Restored countr...
- class: G > 160 Kwh/mq
- Rooms: 6
- Region: Marche
- Province: Ancona
- Common: Serra San Quirico
- Location: Beyond 25 Km from sea
- Surface: 180 mq
- Status: Restored/ Perfect condition
- Ground: Garden
- Garage: Si
- Pool: Si
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